
Meditation and Mindful Sharing With Like-minded People

Build authentic connections and clear your mind from the stress of the week through intimate spiritual atmosphere that transfers the way you look inward and outward. Join a group of like-minded professionals who meet regularly to meditate and mindfully share about their ambitions, dreams and set backs

Guided Meditations

Guided group meditation by meditation teacher. Setting a mindful and understanding atmosphere based on Buddhist teaching and inner-self understanding.

Optional Mindful Sharing

Optional sharing about your day, your concerns, your worries, dreams or ambitions, in a private space filled with compassion, loving-kindeness and support.

Join a Circle

  • Online
  • Berlin

Mindful Founders Circle ONLINE

For startup founders, early employees, entrepreneurs and people considering founding new business.

Circle Format: Guided Meditation + Optional Mindful Sharing


Startup Founders Meditation Circle

For startup founders, early employees, entrepreneurs and people considering founding new business.

Circle Format: Guided Meditation + Optional Mindful Sharing

Get in Touch

Do you have any question or you need support? Please get in touch any time. Our team will get back to you within a few hours.

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